Jumat, 24 Juni 2011

Cheat Point Blank (PB) PKL_injection v 3.4


1. Open PKL_Injection V 3.4
2. Open PB Launcher
3. His Start Pb

Key Features

Bomberman F1 = ON (no need to OFF would not have lasted forever BT)
F2 = Bomberman OFF
F3 = Wallshot ON 1x only just enough to survive for as long as his
INSERT = Minimize ON (auto minimize) >>>>> Survive During his Minimize


F10 = Viper / Hide Helm
F11 = Coolie Rice / Beruang.Kutub Helm
F12 = Reset Char

Numpad 1 = Berets SG
Numpad 2 = Beret Sniper
Numpad 3 = Beret Assault
Numpad 4 = Berets Pistol
Numpad 5 = Berets SMG
Numpad 6 = Beret Item

How To Use
Char-How To Use Robots:
Choose Barrett - START-F10/F11 (For characters) when loading - Finished Loading F12 (Reset Character)
How to use WS-1x enough just & On need not do so again ...
Bomberman jg just press it while moving room 1x WS & Bomber is still active
Mask-removal feature (already in Fix GM)
-Tested By Me: Date December 25, 2010
Hours 06:37 to 11:02
-If that can not Download On adf.ly Try not to use mozilla to download it,
Example use: Google Chrome, Opera / Other
Cheat Point Blank (PB) PKL_injection v 3.4 9out of 10 based on 10 ratings. 9 user reviews.

Dafatr Isi

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